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Xiamen Super Art ,Co.Ltd,

Company Profile
we have more than 10 year's working experience of reproduction of oil painting and wholesale oil paintings to all parts of the world. we have strong professional technical force replicate various kinds of famous oil paintings in the world in a huge amount of quantities, such as oil paintings of classicism, impressionist, abstract, modern painting, people, scenery, seascape, still life, animal, garden scene, reproduction oil painting, oil painting from photo, commerce oil painting , portrait oil painting and so on. All of our artworks are 100% genuine and authentic Hand-made oil painting.

Contact Us
Company: Xiamen Super Art ,Co.Ltd,
Contact: Ms. baoxiu chen
Address: 901Room,473#yongxin garden,haicang ,xiamen of china
Postcode: 361026
Tel: 86-0592-6056200
Fax: 86-0592-6055521

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Tel : 86-0592-6056200 Fax : 86-0592-6055521
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